martedì 8 ottobre 2019


These are my last personal lion uploads.
I'm not planning to make any other customs for a lack of motivation to draw
and to be honest my skills are still mediocre

So goodbye

venerdì 20 ottobre 2017


Leone (Crownless Lion)

Sorry i haven't been posting in ages. I might make a new website and post new contents there but at the same time i might not cause i lost motivation because i'm focusing on other things now.

Thank you all for your support <3

That amazing drawing
was made by J. Oveun 

domenica 18 ottobre 2015

Mascots (Amagi Brilliant Park)

These 3 mascots are from an Anime called Amagi Brilliant Park.
They are the customs heads i'm proud of the most
because i find them adorable

Macaron, Moffle, Tiramie

Moogle (Final Fantasy)

Moogle from Final Fantasy


martedì 6 ottobre 2015


My current personal head is an afro lion since i love afros and lions also because of my Zodiac sign.

giovedì 15 gennaio 2015

Noragami (Yato)

This anime is called Noragami.
It's about a God named Yato that attempts to build his own shrine by granting people's wishes for 5 yen.

I know that from my description doesn't seem that interesting but
it's actually very funny and it has a good amount of action and very likeable characters.
If you haven't watched it yet stop reading this post and go watch it now :D

Me and my girlfriend have an obsession for Yato and Hiyori
so i got the idea to draw matching anime customs for us <3

I usually get tired of my personal customs after awhile and refund them
but i think i'm gonna stick with this one forever

lunedì 24 febbraio 2014

Ao No Exorcist (Rin Okumura)

 Have you ever noticed that
Kirito and Rin's hairstyle are quite similiar?
That is why i've made this one using Kirito's head so that won't have to do it on scratch,
then just added ears, fire, blablabla and voilà

giovedì 20 febbraio 2014

Do you like Pikachu?

 If you do, here's a PikaHoodie!
I guess i could have done it better but whatever..

giovedì 2 gennaio 2014

What's your favourite Pokèmon starter?

Pokèmon has been a big part of my childhood, my favourite generations will always be the 1st, 2nd and 3rd because are the only ones i've played and bonded with.

My favourite starter is
and do you know why?
 Well because..

i like all the starters but

I doubt they will approve this custom but it doesn't matter
because i really enjoy drawing stuff just  for fun

giovedì 28 novembre 2013


I will mainly post things related to Anime and Videogames,

Please don't ask for my personal customs.
if you want to contact me, you can find me on the guild called:

So Much Anime So Little Time